Static voltage stabilizer (semiconductor technology) is manufactured from semikron brand thyristors. Microprocessor control With ZVC-B Technique, thyristors are triggered by direct addressing method and regulation is provided.
Today, industrial and electrical devices are quickly affected by the voltage changes in the network. Since conventional stabilizers are insufficient in response rate, static voltage stabilizer have been developed as an alternative. With DAA regulation, the correction speed is approximately 3,000 – 7,000 V / s depending on the type of grid voltage correction field. The correction speed for the standard regulator is 5,000V / sec.
Thyristors used in Artsan static voltage stabilizer have a current carrying capacity of 10 times the normal operating current for 20 ms. Due to this feature, instantaneous high current attracting motor etc. systems are particularly preferred.
Better quality performance has been achieved by using Semikron brand thyristor-thyristor module. Copper winding or aluminum winding regulator production can offer alternatives to the user.
It has a production range of 1 kVA to 3,000 KVA. Depending on the condition of the network, 110 – 230VAC, 110 – 280 VAC, 165 – 250 VAC, 180 – 280 VAC, including four types of correction options are available. Output regulation tolerance is 1% to 10%. IP54 for external environments, isolated transformer and filter options are available for human safety.
Machine manufacturers recommend static voltage regulators for safe operation of their machines.
As shown in the following diagram, the output voltage value can be seen at different values of the mains voltage. According to this graph, the output voltages outside the regulation range vary linearly. Outside the correction area, you can calculate the response of your regulator from the following formulas.